MySignature Lifetime Deal for $39

August 2, 2024   /   by   / Categories :  Buy Software Apps, deals, Lifetime, Only Lifetime Deals, Software
Business Legions - MySignature Lifetime Deal for $39

MySignature Lifetime Deal for $39

MySignature is an email signature tool that creates branded email signatures that can track opens, collect reviews, and more.

Email signatures and tracking
Customize your email signature to reflect your style and branding
Add all your contact details and links, as well as your photo and branding
Track email opens and clicks so you know who is engaging with your emails

Plus, MySignature’s Chrome extension tracks email opens and clicks from your Gmail, as well as offers automatic signature installation and updates.

Track who opens and clicks on your emails so you know who to follow up with.
All your links, in one place

MySignature comes with MyPage, a powerful link in bio tool that lets you add all your links to one branded page, including your website, social media, and product links.

Choose from professional themes and templates created to match different styles
Upload a photo and logo to ensure a consistent brand experience
Add your contact details and messenger links so prospects can easily get in touch

Create a branded page where prospects can view all your links and contact details.
Showcase your brand

With MySignature, you’ll get a custom domain (CNAME) to improve email deliverability and increase your chances of landing in the primary inbox—not spam!

Display a custom domain in your email signature for your site, image, and social links
Make your emails appear more professional and trustworthy with a custom domain

Brand your email signature links with a custom domain to improve deliverability and professionalism.
Keep your signatures consistent

Best of all, you’ll be able to manage and update signatures for your whole team to ensure all signatures are consistent company-wide.

Invite team members via email to manage their signatures and link in bio pages
Set permissions for who can create, publish, delete, or edit signatures and link pages

Simply jump into the permission settings to invite and manage other MySignature users.

MySignature can help you create branded, professional email signatures and link in bio pages for everyone on your team, as well as track open and click rates.

Upgrade your email sign-off.

Get lifetime access to MySignature today!

Get the email signature tool that makes sending branded emails easy

Design branded email signatures for your entire team using templates and customization options
Easily track email opens and link clicks so you can optimize your email marketing strategy


  • Lifetime access to MySignature
  • All future Professional (Tier 1 and 2) and Professional plus Agencies Hub (Tier 3) Plan updates
  • If Plan name changes, deal will be mapped to the new Plan name with all accompanying updates
  • No codes, no stacking — just choose the plan that’s right for you
  • You must activate your license within 60 days of purchase
  • Ability to upgrade between 3 license tiers while the deal is available
  • Ability to downgrade between 3 license tiers within 60 days of purchase
  • GDPR compliant
  • Available for new MySignature users and returning AppSumo purchasers
  • Previous AppSumo customers who purchased MySignature can upgrade their license to increase their feature limits
  • Previous AppSumo customers will be grandfathered into the new feature limits
  • Tiers 1 and 2 previously tied to the Pro Plus Plan has been renamed to the Professional Plan
  • Tier 3 purchasers get both MySignature Professional for up to 100 users and MyPage Agency Hub for up to 100 users
  • License Tier 1

    One-time purchase of

    • All features above included
    • 5 users/signatures
    • 5 MyPages
    • No branding from MySignature

    License Tier 2

    One-time purchase of

    • All features above included
    • 20 users/signatures
    • 20 MyPages
    • No branding from MySignature

    License Tier 3

    One-time purchase of

    • All features above included
    • 100 users/signatures
    • 100 MyPages
    • No branding from MySignature
    • Custom domains in signatures
    • Agency Hub
    • Unlimited companies
    • Invite account admins with access levels
    • Allow clients to manage their companies


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