10 Easy Steps to Grow Your Customer Base

June 4, 2021   /   by Marco  / Categories :  Business
Business Legions 10 Easy Steps to Grow Your Customer Base

2020 and 2021 have been challenging years for businesses of all sizes. Even global, multimillion-dollar brands have had to make changes to weather the storm of the global pandemic – it’s certainly not been easy.

Throughout all of this, competition levels within industries and market segments have increased. It’s been a vulnerable time for customers, who have also had to make financial sacrifices and adapt to different spending habits, so business owners and marketing teams have had to work extra hard to find ways to keep existing customers happy whilst also attracting new ones.

The chances are, you’re a business who are looking to do this, too. Well, there’s good news: despite a rough period for the world of business, it’s still possible to thrive and grow your customer base. Here are 10 easy (and proven) steps for you to follow.

1. SEO marketing

SEO marketing is an assured method for increasing the number of customers that visit your website. Considering your business website is an incredible digital tool for driving sales and profit, you should be doing everything in your power to increase its traffic – and SEO marketing is one of the best methods for achieving this.

Working with an expert SEO company to get you on the right path, such as clickintelligence.co.uk, is a smart idea.

2. Digital customer service

Digital customer service is key to gaining customer loyalty. You should provide digital customer service through your social media pages and website. You can use automated chatbots to do this, or expert customer service employees – it’s dependent on the size and scale of your business. For larger businesses, chatbots are the best choice, and will also save costs.

3. A personalized website experiences

To really impress and grow your customer base, personalize your website experience. This can be done through allowing customers to make accounts with personal preference and content filter options, as well as enabling light and dark mode for browsing your site in.

4. Loyalty programs

Loyalty programs are smart. They increase loyalty and engagement; and make customers feel connected with your brand.

Your loyalty program should provide certain benefits, such as monthly discounts or early access to products.

5. Promote customer testimonials

It’s important to let customers know that you’re an excellent and reliable business.

To do this, you need to shout from the roof tops – but not literally.

Instead, you should promote positive, in-depth customer testimonials through your website to demonstrate that you can be trusted.

6. Paid advertising

Paid advertising isn’t for everyone, but it sure works. Even Chinese state-run media use it!

Effective methods to consider are pay-per-click, social media, and social influencer advertising.

7. Mass email marketing

Email marketing is a great way to reach new audiences whilst promoting products and news to existing customers, too.

8. Encourage digital feedback and reviews

The best businesses learn from digital feedback and reviews, such as comments and DMs through their social media platforms. From this, you’ll learn where to make improvements.

9. Free trials and samples

The modern consumer loves free trials and samples.

These are a great way to grow your audience, as some consumers aren’t willing to make the jump to join you until they’ve tried a trial or sample version of your products.

10. Provide incentives through SMS

SMS marketing is huge, right now. Businesses use it to entice new customers, such as frequently texting them discount codes and offers.

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